509 Food Pricing


Free Basic Listing
$ 0 Forever
  • Restaurant Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Hours
  • Website
  • Online Ordering
  • Email Address
  • Logo
  • Image Slideshow
  • Video


Premium Restaurant Listing
$ 200 Annually
  • Restaurant Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Hours
  • Website
  • Online Ordering
  • Email Address
  • Logo
  • Image Slideshow
  • Video

509 Food Services

  • Advertise $300 /mo

    Get your ad shown on every page of 509 Food.

  • Featured Listing $250 /mo

    Get your restaurant listing shown on the 509 Food homepage and listed on the featured page. A featured badge will also be displayed on the header of your listing.

  • Food Photography $200

    Need some photos taken of your great food? Up to an hour shooting. Editing also included.

  • Restaurant Website $1,000+

    Get a mobile responsive website to showcase your restaurant.

  • Google My Business Listing & Optimization $600

    Get your restaurant found on Google. Increase calls and online orders.

  • Facebook Ads Management Varies

    Facebook and Instagram allow you to target people as close as 5 miles. Bring in new local customers.